High Temperature and Pressure Autoclave for Materials and Geothermal Research Laboratory


High Temperature and Pressure Autoclave for Materials and Geothermal Research Laboratory

This equipment is crucial for the materials & geothermal research in Iceland.

It enables fundamental and engineering research to be carried out at high temperature (500°C) and pressure (300 bar) in a laboratory in a controlled environment with gases/liquids and electrochemical tools.

Currently, there is no such laboratory equipment available in Iceland, despite it being vital for research in multiple disciplines; such as materials science, geochemistry, chemical, and mechanical engineering.

Verkefnastjóri: Sigrún Nanna Karlsdóttir

Ábyrgðaraðili: Háskóli Íslands

Meðumsækjendur: Kristján Leósson, Guðrún Arnbjörg Sævarsdóttir, Sunna Ólafsdóttir Wallevik, Unnar Bjarni Arnalds, Friðrik Magnus, Christiaan Petrus Richter, Egill Skúlason, Andri Stefánsson

Sjóður: Innviðasjóður

Ár Umsóknarnúmer Hluti styrks
2018 1815860031 22.620.000 

Heildarupphæð: 22.620.000 kr.


Mynd af Sigrún Nanna Karlsdóttir Sigrún Nanna Karlsdóttir Prófessor 5255310 snk [hjá] hi.is
Mynd af Friðrik Magnus Friðrik Magnus Vísindamaður 5254778 fridrikm [hjá] hi.is
Mynd af Christiaan Petrus Richter Christiaan Petrus Richter Prófessor cpr [hjá] hi.is
Mynd af Andri Stefánsson Andri Stefánsson Prófessor 5254252 as [hjá] hi.is