Structural vibration and health monitoring system in Iceland


Structural vibration and health monitoring system in Iceland

The infrastructure is a monitoring system for vibrations of structures.

The purpose is to gather information on the dynamic behavior and structural characteristics of Icelandic buildings and provide an improved understanding of the dynamic parameters required for design of new buildings.

The monitoring system is comprised of a set of sensors (accelerometers) and data acquisition units. The acquisition units can receive and record data simultaneously from multiple channels.

Verkefnastjóri: Rajesh Rupakhety

Ábyrgðaraðili: Rajesh Rupakhety

Meðumsækjendur: Simon Olafsson, Bjarni Bessason, Jónas Þór Snæbjörnsson, Benedikt Halldórsson, Björn Karlsson, Jón Örvar Bjarnason, Fjóla Guðrún Sigtryggsdóttir, Arnar Björn Björnsson

Staðsetning tækis: EarthquakeEngineering Research Centre, University of Iceland

Sjóður: Innviðasjóður


Ár Umsóknarnúmer Hluti styrks
2018 1816540031 21.977.000

Heildarupphæð: 21.977.000 kr.



Mynd af Rajesh Rupakhety Rajesh Rupakhety Prófessor 5254129 rajesh [hjá] Umhverfis- og byggingarverkfræðideild